July 15th, 2019

This week was awesome!!! We had a ton that we did. We had 2 exchanges, a baptism, English class, and we found some great people to start teaching. I was able to go down to Frederick for exchanges with Elder Florence. We had a blast. It was a good time to see some of the members in Frederick again.
We talked to this guy named "Showboat" man that guy was hilarious. He was honestly quite drunk and he kept apologizing that he couldn't give us water. It was really sad to see how his life had taken a turn after he started drinking. But he was super nice. After getting to know him and talk about his story we asked him if he would dump the rest of his beer out in the grass but he wasn't feeling it. He said "Man if I wasn't so messed up right now I would invite you over for chicken and a BBQ." He kept repeating himself but we left him a card for when he sobered up.
 On Wednesday we had another exchange with the Elders from Braddock Heights (another part of Frederick). So I was here in Hagerstown with Elder Gibbons. We visited some people he had taught, and he was here when Alicia got baptized so we of course visited her. They were all super excited to see him. We had a blast together. Thursday we were running around with getting back to Hagerstown, planning the week, and our English class.
During the week we had lessons with Angel to prep him for his baptism. He was super super excited. So we had everything ready on Saturday and it was awesome. HAHA like 2 months ago he went to Massachusetts and got a pic with he Elders there. So for his baptismal program we photo shopped our faces on the other elders. It was a pretty sweet picture, the Savior looked like His hands were on Angel's head. So we had to use it for his baptism. Nobody noticed hahaha.
I got to baptize Angel and it was one of the greatest experiences of my mission. His sister and family came kinda late, I was in the water looking at him getting ready to step in and he was SO excited that his sister was there for him. It meant a lot to him. I had to baptize him twice since his knee popped out the first time lol. But we got it done the right way and he was just so ecstatic. It was very spiritual baptismal service and some people we are teaching were able to come. He was confirmed yesterday during sacrament meeting. Hector was able to pass the sacrament for the first time yesterday too! Its so awesome to see these people progress and take part in what we do every week at church. We will be working with Angel so he can get the priesthood and go to the temple soon.
Also Saturday night we got the calls for transfers. I was shocked, I am staying and Elder Wynn is going to Frederick. I will still see him a round since we are in the same district. But guess who is coming to Hagerstown. ELDER GUZMAN again haha we are going to have such a blast. So that'll be round 2 with him. Last night we had a visit with a guy we are teaching. We talked for a LONG time,  and at the end Elder Wynn wanted to get a picture. He would not let us get a pic with his face so he let us get a pic with his phone. Haha it was great. 

The Lord is truly blessing us so much here and I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. I love being here and I love these people of Hagerstown. 
I love and miss you guys!
Elder Price


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