July 8th, 2019

This week was a blast! I hope everyone had a great fourth of July and thought of all the great men and women that helm us keep our freedom daily! Things here in Hagerstown are taking off! The Lord truly has been blessing us and is preparing people everywhere to hear the gospel. 
One of those people is Angel. We have been working with him for a solid two months ow. But his baptism is scheduled for this Saturday. He is so excited. The Lord has prepared him a ton and he just loves the gospel. He says that it brings him peace and he knows he is on the right path. He had his interview on Saturday and we are wrapping things up for the baptismal program. We meet with him almost every day and he just soaks up everything. We had dinner with 2 members this week with him. The ward just loves him and he is totally already a part of the group here. He helps with our English class, brings members to church, and even went out to work with us one night. He is such a stud! 

Our fourth of July was such a blast. We had a lesson with a guy named Michael who wants to get baptized soon. We will see how everything pans out but that might be in the works! We had dinner with Alicia, Dinora, Angel and all my best 7 year old friends lol. We had carne asada, played 4 square (which apparently Hispanics have no idea about, so we taught them), and had a great time together in the park. We had a super powerful lesson with the Perez family. They are all working a ton and haven't been able to make it out to church in a while. There are other things going on too, but we had one of the most spirit filled lessons ever. I truly felt for them, as we sat in their kitchen talking to the 3 brothers and sisters (they are all grown up) the Spirit helped us say what we needed to. Among those things that were said was the answer to the question:
 "Why do I need to read the Book of Mormon every day?" 
The answer to that question to them and to anyone else who wonders the same thing is this; we want to see you on the other side as a family in the Celestial Kingdom. It is as simple and as powerful as that. If we are not reading the Book of Mormon every day then we will not have the spiritual strength to endure to the end. We cannot expect to get through all of life's trials without that spiritual strength. Things will change fro them soon, but we left knowing that the Spirit touched their hearts ans they could not deny that it was there. 
Then at the end of the night we got to see fireworks from our balcony so it was super legit. 
We had interviews with our mission president which is always a blast. That man is so inspired and loves everyone so much. Somebody had brought him an inflatable dolphin lol. He is obsessed with dolphins, because they are "strong and powerful." SO he is always saying that and now he has a dolphin floatie to lug around haha. 
Things are going great here, the Lord is working miracles every day in our lives and in the lives of those we teach. 
Love and miss you all!
Elder Price


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