June 24th, 2019

This week was awesome! Our ward had 5 people get baptized this Saturday. A family of 4 that we taught and then passed to the sisters, and then our main man Hector. It was such a great time. They all loved it and the spirit was super strong. Angel came to both baptismal services and he is telling us about all these things he wants in his baptism. Things are going just great here and the Lord is really blessing us so much. It has been so awesome to be a part of these peoples lives and see the changes made. It's such a blessing. Plus it was sweet to be in an English baptismal service. 
Then we got to go over to the Rodriguez family's house for their daughters birthday. It was so fun haha they are such a great family. We took a pic with them and their brother on the left is funny Haha. We are trying to get him to come to church but everytime we ask he dodges the question Haha its so funny. But he doesnt tell us he doesnt want to come cause he's a nice guy. But its still funny to me that he womt just say no. So hey maybe we will have a cool story in a couple weeks of him coming. 
During the week we had a cool opportunity to go give a lady the sisters are teaching a blessing. So we csnt go in a house without a man there and her husband was out of the house. So we tried to bring members of the ward but nobody could. So we started asking people if they would come with to help us out. We were so close to getting someone to come with, but we couldn't Haha. We tries our best so we just gave her a blessing in the backyard. It was an amazing experience. She now knows exactly what she has to do to get here life in order. 
We visited with Mike again this week and it was interesting. He told us he played a video game for 5 years overall. I was floored. But we have had some great lessons/visits with him. The guy just needs to feel loved. So we are working on it. 
The Avila family has some family in town that are from Litchfield park Haha so it was cool to talk to someone from AZ. 
Well that's the cool stuff that happened this week. I love and miss you guys! 
Elder Price 


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