April 23rd, 2019

This week has been another great one. We have transfers this week and I am headed to Hagerstown to be with Elder Lewis. I have heard a lot of great things about him so it should be a blast. Plus I am going to be a Zone Leader so that will be interesting. I will be opening a Spanish zone with Elder Lewis. So that will be a blast, I've never seen an all Spanish zone so we will see how it goes. I got a call on Saturday night from the mission President telling me I was going to go to Hagerstown. I legit could not believe it. 
This week we did a lot of service so that was such a blast. We got to help with a youth service project which was such a blast. We got to help a woman in our ward with some garden work and putting mulch down. Man it felt so nice to actually get my hands dirty and do some manual labor. I'm counting it towards my yearly garden work/service I used to do for Grandma Jo. We also got to go back again to help with more stuff later i the week. It really helped us build our relationship with the youth. We are all totally homies now its awesome. It will be exciting to see how they do missionary work in the coming months. We also helped prep an apartment fro a new pair of sisters that will be coming here this week. It was a great time, we went out to lunch with a senior couple, the Peters. It is always such a party with them. 
Easter was awesome we didn't even go home to change after church we were running all around. A ward members' car broke down so we tried to help them our the best we could. Then all the sudden out of nowhere this guy pulls up and tells us he is a mechanic. He looks at the car, figures out what is wrong with it in like 2 minutes and then leaves to go grab oil from his house. He was legit heaven sent and probably didn't even know it. But he was super nice and totally helped the family out. We had lunch with the Rust family and dinner with the Chesley family. So we got fed WELL. It was sweet. Then last night we had a conference call with all the leaders in the mission and that took a LONG time haha. 
We have been working with a good amount of people kinda all over the place. Rafael is getting ready for baptism on the 4th of May. He wants to get a better job so he can get his own place and see his son more. So in our last lesson we left him some baller promises that if he kept living the commandments the Lord would bless him with a great job. He was super excited when we told him that and we are excited to see how the Lord blesses him. Some other people we have been working with is the Martinez family. They werent able to come to church but the wife, Patty, has a great desire to learn. Their daughter is being taught by the English Elders but she is literally the coolest ever. Then our main man Tony who we were teaching a couple months ago always comes to church now. He even brought his girlfriend! It was so awesome! AJ Jones is coming to church and we are trying to get in with him more during the week. Its been rough because they have been super super busy lately but we will get in soon. And we have other people we are teaching but thats all I really want to type out lol. 
Oh we also went out to dinner with the Lucas family on Saturday. We realized it was my half birthday so we totally just sent it and got one of those birthday desserts. They sung and put whipped cream on my nose lol. It was such a great time. I'm really gonna miss the Lucas family they are so awesome. 
I am having a blast here in Winchester, its kinda sad I have to leave Elder Randall. We had a blast together, but we will see each other around. Also I am kinda bummed I will miss out on the Apple Blossom festival, but oh well. Maybe one day I will come back and see it when I'm not a missionary. That'll be hype. But I love and miss you all! I hope you had a great Easter and were able to think about the Savior more. 
Elder Price


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