October 22nd, 2018

This week has been sweet! On Monday we went out to Brunswick and tried by everyone there. We met this dude named Tony who said he was a member. He offered us food and we literally had just ate so I tried to get us out as quick as possible. Then he tells us hes going to go warm up some food so I was like ohhhhh crap. Then he brings out this fish soup with a ton of shrimp and other stuff. We barely ate any of it and I had totally forgotten that Elder Casey does NOT like fish. I looked over and he was just drinking the soupy water to avoid the giant fish in there haha. 
There aren't a ton of Hispanics but we know some that work at a pizza shop. So we walk in and talk to our homie Uvaldo and he asked if we wanted some water. So we said ya then he asks if we want a pizza. So we walked in, got some contact info, free water, and a whole free pizza.
Then on Tuesday we went over and talked to Enrique, but this time in Spanish. Haha it was a little weird but we brought a member with us and he was stellar. He basically taught the whole lesson and was so clutch. Enrique is doing a little better, we are working with him to help him see the blessings and why of the Gospel. We visited a member and he totally bought us popsicles. It was freezing out but we took them. Then he gave us some sweet potatoes from his work too. So as we were biking home I had the popsicles and sweet potatoes in a Walmart bag on my bike. Then as we were bombing it down this hill by our house it ripped and one of the poor containers of sweet potatoes fell out and got destroyed. Then a bunch of cars ran over it all so we just said eh and went home.
Wednesday we had a member dinner and got flu shots so that was fun. Right before dinner we talked to this dude, his name was Karim. He was super smart but did not want to hear anything about the gospel haha. So we just left him with a card and headed to dinner. Then we had the Baptismal Interview for Luis  so we went with the other Elders out to Mount Airy to help them contact before heading to the interview. We found nobody that spoke Spanish hah well our main man Joe knew Buenas noches and thats it.
We were out knocking ad knocked on this one door. There were cat statues outside and it looked like a nice little house. Then the door opens and this lady is either recording us or taking pictures I couldn't tell. So I ask "Ma'am can you help us out?" She didn't say anything just turned the flash on and kept taking pics. It was so weird haha so we just left and kept going.
Thursday we planned and did a bunch of stuff in the house so after dinner we went out and talked to Josue. We were able to teach him and 2 of his friends. It was a good little lesson.
Also during the week I dont remember when but this kid looked at me and yelled to give him my bike. So I just laughed and kept going and he said he would kill me to get my bike. I was like bro it is not a nice bike like go hit up goodwill. haha sometimes we get funny responses.
Friday we went around and talked to a bunch of people and got to visit with Enrique. He called us over so we came over and he had bought us Chinese food. We chilled with him and it was such a  great time. He has changed so much and really has opened up to us. When we left we asked to get a pic with im and he totally took a video instead of hitting the picture button. He goes, "I am so old holy crap." haha he is such a homie. Saturday was my birthday and Luis got baptized! It was so sweet to be a part of it and help him a little. His wife was so grateful and it was awesome.
Then we went over to the branch presidents house for dinner and celebrated my birthday. He is such a crazy cool dude. It was so much fun. Sunday we celebrated with the Salvadors and they made a BOMB cake. But this week has been greta and God has been blessing us a ton lately. 
Love and Miss you all thanks for all the birthday wishes.


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