January 29th, 2018

This week has been awesome Elder Barlow and I are working hard and having a great time. We see the other Spanish Elders a lot, Elder Jun and McDaniel and they're super fun to be around. I'm just going to talk about a few points through the week so its easier for everyone.

I get to drive now because Elder Barlow got his driving privileges revoked haha so its fun, I'm getting to know the area a lot better because of it, plus Ill be staying here and get a new companion  next transfer so I need to figure it all out before he goes home. 
Last preparation day we played basketball the whole time, it was awesome. 
Then we had Noche de Hogar with Marisol and her family. It was super groovy and we had a little spiritual thought and got to know the J family more. Then when contacting this week we were going around to all the previous investigators to try and get to know them and a whole family literally looked out the door and then all walked back to the kitchen to make it seem like no one was home but we could definitely see everything haha. It was a good laugh. 
 Another Family ignored us too haha we saw them look out the window too. So its funny to me when people dont just come out and say no thanks. 
Then after district meeting last Tuesday we went tpis pizza buffet place and I pigged out it was so sweet. 
again while contacting we saw a legit drug deal between a couple of 11 year olds and we knocked the door like 3 minutes earlier and the kid was so out of it . 
We knocked a lot of doors this week and found a couple people that spoke Spanish and a bunch of really nice people saying they weren't interested but stay warm and all that jazz. 
I finally taught my actual first lesson to investigators, E.K y la leccion fue super bien. Hablamos sobre la restoracion y en DOmingo ellos asistieron a la iglesia. 
Sister M, a recent convert, is struggling with church and so we try to teach her and her sons. She loves to have us in but doesn't come to church so we need to help her on that. We had dinner with the P Family and they are awesome members, we got to learn a little about their story and how we can help the ward.
 THERE ARE SO MANY SLUGBUGS HERE haha I'm up to 78. Elder Barlow wants to look really good for a chica when he gets back so we run almost every morning at least a mile which is kinda fun but also kinda sucks. We went over to Presidente G's house and the food was so good its crazy. We have a week of working hard and this last week flew by haha its crazy. Thanks for all the prayers and all the support. Im having so much fun and the mission is so awesome.
 My testimony has definitely grown about the Spirit and revelation. Nothing huge but just here and there little impressions to look up a scripture and it was something I needed or helped in our lesson. Its so awesome to be able to pray as much as we do and to study for as long as we do every day. 
Elder Précio

 Sleeping Elder Barlow


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