May 20th, 2019

As is the usual this week was pretty great! the Lord has been blessing us with success and people to teach which is DOPE! 
We got to go on exchanges this week and I went back to Frederick and I was with Elder Stewart. he's a great missionary and we had a blast together. We saw some members that remembered me and it was super sweet. I just love Hispanic people haha.
So there is this teenager that was baptized like 2 years ago, he's got some big dreams of going to the NBA and doing MMA. The whole world and everyone around him tells him that he won't be able to do anything or that he won't make ti. So it was nice to go over and hype him up and help him see how the gospel can help him in his goals in life. He always likes to show something off when we go over lol and so this time he showed us his boxing skills. He legit punched a brick wall a ton and thought nothing about it. I just about shed a tear for him cause that would have freakin hurt. But I am pretty sure there is something wrong with his hand or that he broke it because it did not look right. 
then one day we were walking around in the city and talked to this family, they thought we were JW's so they wanted nothing to do with us lol. As we are talking with them I got this strange feeling like I had seen the girlfriend before. Then she says, "Your'e one of the guys that talked to me that night out in front of Dunkin Donuts." My mind way blown! 8 months ago, almost to the day, Elder Casey and I were walking around Frederick at like 9:15 with nothing to do. We walked through this parking lot and talked to this girl sitting outside on the curb. She said life was super rough and that she needed help. So we talked with her and gave her a Book of Mormon and told her it would bless her life. Then 8 months later we meet again and she still has the book and reads it every once in a while. I was absolutely floored. Plus I was so excited to see her and to know she is doing better now than before, and we didn't ever get close or go visit her after that. It just made me realize how sometimes we don't even realize what we do for others and it can make a huge difference in her life. It was awesome!
Then like 3 minutes later we run into this group of guys that are just so dumb. One guy was bashing on us and it was just a weird situation. Then some guy with like 4 teeth comes up and asks how you create nothing out of nothing. Obviously the answer is that you can't. So then he tells us, Then who created God?? I was like oh man this guy is a doofus. So we told him to have a great day and he was laughing at us with his friends saying we were dumb and just like every other religious person he's talked to. But it made me kinda do a check of my life. Like I don't care how crazy it sounds to someone that I believe in God and that I don't have all the answers to unnecessary questions, but if you look at where I am and how my life is going I wouldn't change a thing. it was actually pretty sad for this guy to think that by him not believing in God he was on top of the world, but in reality he was under a lot of burdens that are avoided by living the gospel. So its always fun to run into people that don't like us haha. 
Also this is the only real pic I took this week and I just drew Elder Lewis while we were driving haha people saw it and asked me what it was. It was hilarious. Oh plus I totally saw my old car too! Good memories. 
But I am loving life and having a blast out here, the days are hard but so so worth it. I love and miss you all and hope you have a great week!!


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