October 8th, 2018

This week went by super quick! Last week we went on exchanges and I was with Elder Harker again. From the 5K we ran we won tickets to Golden Corral so we went for lunch. It was such a good time. We rode around on the bikes and went to Juan' s house. We had a great lesson with him and it was a good change cause we did it in English haha.
Then on Wednesday we went out to Pioneer Circle which is a little trailer park where almost everyone speaks Spanish. We talked to a couple people over there and then went to the M house for dinner. His wife is from Cambodia and her mom was there with us. Shes from Cambodia and speaks zero English. So Elder Harker was talking to her through the phone on Google. It kept mistranslating things and some of her answers were hilarious. We asked what her favorite animal was and she said cow, so we asked if she liked to eat them and she was like NO I like to watch them.  It was so fun and she felt so great to be able to talk with people. We learned a little but of Khmer (their language) and she was laughing at us.
Then we went and visited Luis and talked to him about general conference. He seemed a little happier this time and it was great to see him change little by little. On Thursday we went over to the Salvador house. Their son, J, had a birthday on the 2 of October. So we bought a cake and got his name written on top. We brought it over and had dinner and celebrated with them. Jesus was so happy and smiling the whole time. Then on Friday we went to the mission office because Elder Casey had a doctor's appointment in Columbia. So I stayed in the mission office and organized so many DVDs and and supplies for them.
It was a great time, we went out to lunch with the Peters. They're a senior couple that work in the office. Then we went out to dinner with Jacobo at wing stop. Looking back we got a ton of food this week 😂
Then I'm Saturday and Sunday we had general conference and it was so awesome to hear from the prophet and apostles. It's going to be crazy to only have 2 hours of church. We went over on Saturday night to Enrique's house because he was really needing some help. He was having problems with overcoming old habits and so it was a really powerful lesson. We talked with him for probably an hour an a half. It was the first time I've cried on my mission (ok but how can the general authorities still talk when they get emotional at conference, I literally couldn't say a word 😂). But I was telling him the story of when I went out with the Elders to visit a lady named M. Short version is we got there and she told us about how she had been struggling with a lot of problems. During our chat I could see in her eyes the need for the Gospel, she needed the peace that comes through the knowledge of Christ and His restored gospel.
 I remember that night saying to the Elders, "Man if I could just change one person's life it would make the 2 years more than worth it." That's how I felt telling Enrique that story. I felt the spirit so strong and I am so grateful for the time I have been given to work for the Lord. This gospel changes lives eternally and I have seen that countless times in my own life and in the lives of many in just the last 10 months. I love and miss you all. thank you for all you do to support me!!

Elder Price 


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